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Wifi down letter acknowledgment

Level 3
Dear TPG,

I desperately need to provide a letter to my school that the wifi is down and has impacted my studies. Could I receive a letter from TPG ASAP just to confirm that our home wifi has been down for almost 2 weeks and still waiting to be fixed?

Many thanks
Not applicable

Hi @qdwerbao ,


We will raise this to the assigned Engineering Handling the escalated fault for additional reference on the ongoing investigation. Based on the latest log on file, one of our Engineers has been in contact with you yesterday and provided the latest update on this ongoing fault.


Updates will be provided via SMS or Phone call, we apoloogise for any inconvenience.




@qdwerbao wrote:
Dear TPG,

I desperately need to provide a letter to my school that the wifi is down and has impacted my studies. Could I receive a letter from TPG ASAP just to confirm that our home wifi has been down for almost 2 weeks and still waiting to be fixed?

Many thanks


Level 3

Thank you - but a text or letter would be better as we would need this as evidence. Many thanks.

Not applicable

You're welcome @qdwerbao, this has been raised to our Engineering Team, you should receive an update from one of our Engineers related to your request for a Letter of Acknowledgement.



Thank you - but a text or letter would be better as we would need this as evidence. Many thanks.