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connect D-Link 2888A to HFC

Level 2

I am trying to connect a D-Link 2888A to a HFC NBN connection. I have a TPG supplied NBN modem however i have not been able to establish an internet connection and i am unsure of the  settings for the router and would like some advice on the settings


Hi @alanmcvilly .

Are you newly connected to NBN? Has the TPG-supplied router been working?


These are the settings on the "Internet" page in the manual

WAN Access Type: Select VDSL to configure VDSL connection settings.
Interface: Select the interface from the drop-down menu. 

(If there is more than one choice here, you will have to test each one.)
Enable Interface: Enable this interface.
ISP Settings
VLAN Tagged: Enable VLAN tagging.
VLAN ID: Enter the VLAN ID=2..
VLAN Priority: 0 (lowest)


IPv4 settings: PPPoE, userid with on end, password.

Ethernet cable from WAN port to NBN box.