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Delivery of SIM card to PO Box

Level 2

I have TPG NBN at home - I would enter a mobile SIM only plan   but   TPG refuses to send the SIM card to my PO Box - I receive all my important correspondence at the PO Box (the safest mailing alternative) - Why TPG does not want to send the SIM to the PO Box ? -  If the SIM is sent to my home address, will it be left in the mailbox or will it be delivered in hand ? If I am not at home what happens ?


Hi @roderico


We can only ship our parcel to a physical address/home address.


If the recipient is not available during the delivery, then they'll drop it off to the nearest Post Office.



Level 2

So at the end the parcel will end at the Post Office where I have my PO Box. - Which is when the parcel should have been sent in the first place. I receive all valuable parcels at my PO Box. If they require signature I sign at the Post Office as required.  I still do not understand "why" TPG cannot send the SIM to the PO Box.