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Mobile Plan 'Moved to Novus' - Can't check usage, no access to internet

Level 2
Level 2

Today my phone wouldn't connect to the internet on my SIM card. I have not used it any differently than normal and don't believe i would have maxed out my credit. I tried many attempts to login to the app but it won't work. I was able to log in to my acount on the internet however when I went to check my usage all I could see is the note 'moved to Novus'. What does this mean? I am not happy that I'm paying for a SIM plan that isn't providing me with internet or a way to check my usage.


Hi @bkc


Welcome to the Community!


We were able to locate your account and learned that you've been in touch with our Accounts team.

They've explained the new Novus system and helped you in resolving your issue with your mobile data.


Let us know if you need further assistance.

