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New $12.50 Sim

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Level 2
I ordered a new $12.50 Sim foolishy attracted by the half price 6 month offer. I was told by the sales person it would take 1-2 business days for the Sim to be delivered, to be honest I couldn’t really hear them the sound kept dropping in and out. It has now been over a week and I rang up again today. Similarly the operators sound was in and out, and after about 5 minutes on hold she said it could take another 7-10 working days. I am sceptical of these offers as I feel carriers get overwhelmed and then customers end up complaining. I might have to stay with my current provider. Even though I already am a broadband customer. Btw I ordered a new modem recently from tpg and in came in about a day, I don’t understand it’s a much bigger item.

Accepted Solutions
Community Manager

Hi @Brownturfchat,


We’ll look into what’s happening with your SIM card. Send us a private message so we can grab some more info from you.

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Community Manager

Hi @Brownturfchat,


We’ll look into what’s happening with your SIM card. Send us a private message so we can grab some more info from you.

Level 2
How do send you a private message

Hi @Brownturfchat, here's how you can send us a private message: How do I private message (PM) in the community

