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can receive sms overseas

Level 2

hi I currently in germany, I can not receive any sms while in germany since 3 days now. I can send sms make phone calls and receive phone calls. It is very important for me to receive SMS i.E account veriffication and banking Please help asap

Not applicable

Hi @wolf1977 ,


Let us help rectify the issues affecting your mobile service. What troubleshooting steps have you taken so far?  Please do the following troubleshooting below.


  • Manual network selection on the handset and search for roaming network available on the list. Make sure that your handset is compatible for roaming.
  • Turn on and off Airplane mode
  • Try different handset (only if available)


If the service is still not working, please provide the following information via private message:


Exact Location :
Handset used:
Error message:
SIM card number:


How to send a PM?

