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550 Rejected - Content Policy - Help Please

Level 2

Hi TPG. Not sure I have posted this in the right place, but not sure where else to. 


Anyway, details. I'm not a TPG customer. I run a small business. As part of our marketing we send out an electronic direct message about once every 6 weeks or so, to a list of people who have opted in to receive those messages. We send out such an e-newsletter last Saturday 3 August 2024, via our website/CRM provider and received a bounce back from every single email address that included: Westnet / Adam / Internode / iiNet / TPG / AAPT / Netspace. 


The reason for the bounce was given as "550 - Content Policy” - which I believe means that the addressee’s email SPAM filter has mis-identified our e-newsletter as SPAM. 


Is it possible someone could contact me to discuss this? We're not spammers, we don't send emails very often and the addressee has positively opted in to receiving such e-newsletters. 


I should also note that this is the first time this has happened with TPG group email domains - and we have been sending such e-newsletters for the last 4 years or so, roughly six times a year.




Black Corsair (Rafe)



Level 2

Hi TPG - the non-profit organisation I represent has also started seeing all email  to TPG and associated emails bounce from 1st August with the same "550 - Content Policy.  We have been sending to these addresses in the same way for several years.  They are being sent via SMTP2Go.


Please can you advise on the appropriate process to resolve these issues with TPG as this will causing us significant distress with maintaining our membership base.


Many Thanks


Community Manager

Hey @timrenit and @Blackcorsair,

We've stopped providing email services for our customers. The email accounts have been moved over to The Messaging Company. They'll be able to help out with this.


TPG email addresses have moved to The Messaging Company | TPG Support

Level 7

Now The Messaging Company has taken over the email operations of the TPG group, they have been bombarded with customer complaints that there is too much spam. So probably their attempt to clean this up is having the result you notice. It may help to get in touch with them to explain why you think your emails should not be regarded as spam