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COVR ax1872 won't connect to TPG FTTP

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Woah! Thanks for sharing this, rvollema. It is a big help for our fellas with COVR ax1872 that plans to use as main router for TPG NBN-FTTP. 

Level 3


Im back on this thread again becuase my D-Link COVR X1872 suddenly stopped working (no internet - flashing orange) on my FTP NBN Connection after 12 months with no problems.  I have done nothing to the router - but even though the NBN is definitely up to this building (tested by TPG support) I cannot get it to work again.

I've spent over a day trying everything to get this working again - contacted both TPG and Dlink support, still no luck.  Tried everything here - factory reset, reconfigure with VLAN on and off, using iiNet - makes no difference - still no internet.  Flashing orange!

Help!  Does anyone have any ideas?  Why after 12 months does it suddenly stop?


@jvaughnclair . What are the colours of the indicator lights on the NBN FTTP box?

Level 3

Green for power and optical and orange flashing on the UNI-D1 connected to the DLink router.


@jvaughnclair . According to this, the Alarm light should be green. Off means it hasn't detected the router. So it shouldn't be transferring data.

Did you previously have a TP-Link C1200 router that you can try?

Have you tried turning both boxes off and on?

Level 3

Thanks @david64 - Correct the Alaarm light is off - so it is not seeing the DLINK COVR device - which is the problem.

I dont have another router I can try unfortunately.  I just dont understand how it can suddenly stop working after working fine for 12 months.  I have turned both the NBN box and DLINK router off, Ive swapped to the second DLINK COVR mesh device I was using as an extender for WiFi.  Ive factory reset both DLINK devices and reconfigured for TPG and iiNet, turned VLAN (Triple Play) on and off - nothing seems to make any difference.

I am at my wits end - into day 3 now wiht no NBN internet.



@jvaughnclair . Only other thing is the cable between NBN box and COVR. Could it have been damaged, or the connectors? Is the NBN box in a convenient location to test, even if you have to move the COVR next to it? 

FTTP doesn't use VLAN so triple play should be disabled. Did you try configuring for Other?

Possible to borrow any type of router to prove the NBN box is ok or not?

Level 3

Thanks @david64 - dont you ever sleep?  Smiley Happy  I can try another cable from the NBN Box to the DLINK router - I dont think the existing one is damaged.  The DLINK router is next to the NBN box.  It has been working fine for 12 months..... Smiley Frustrated


I did also try "Other" on VLAN - no difference.

I will have to go out an buy another cheap router - what is the preferred one?


@jvaughnclair . Check the COVR system log. Turn it off, connect it up, turn COVR on. When you can login to it, see what's on the log; use the most detailed setting. It'll probably say something has been sent, and timeout waiting for something else.

Create a new thread explaining the problem (sudden internet failure) and the Alarm light being off (doesn't detect router on both COVR units). Ask TPG if they can switch your connection to UNI-D2 port.


If you just want to test if NBN box is working, any cheap router will do. FTTP doesn't use VLAN so that simplifies setup.


Try your username with and without


Level 3

@david64 I have attached a couple screenshots of COVR System Logs after turning the device off and on as requested (strange I have spoken to D-Link support - they took me through everything Ive already done to troubleshoot and didnt request these).  Only images of small sections of files - cant upload txt files.

Problem: D-Link COVR X1872 suddenly stopped working (no Internet) 2 days ago after working fine for 12 months.  TPG NBN FTP Connection box shows Green lights for Power and Optical and Orange Flashing on UNI-D1 port - Alarm Light off, sugesting the NBN Box not seeing the COVR.  COVR Device LED orange and flashing (no internet).

Multiple trouble shooting calls with TPG and D-Link. Factory reset both COVR devices and the NBN Box, set everything up from scratch with the DLink Wizard (and iOS app).  Tried various VLAN settings enabled / discabled.  Nothing seems to work.

TPG Support did confirm the the NBN connection is up and they can see the COVR device - it is just not connecting.  Did mention something about seeing multiple MAC addresses which sounded strange.

Not sure what to do next (other than go out an buy a TP Link router to connect to the NBN Box.