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Cannot send email on MacBook

Level 2

The server response was: [TPG-A02] Authentication denied. User is banned from using SMTP AUTH due to previous abuse


Since last night I have received this message trying to send emails on my MacBook.  No software changes.  Changed password as suggested, but no joy.  Virus scan negative.


I can send emails using the same account from my iphone, but not from the Mail (version 13.4) account on the laptop.


I can send emails using gmail on my laptop, but not 


Can you help??




I would try to reset your password again and then see if you can login to the TPG Postoffice to confirm the password change.

Some info for you if you havent already seen it.
Cannot Send Email Rejected by the Server/Banned from using SMTP


If you can't send email using your Email Client but you can send through our Postoffice, chances are your email address have been blocked from using our SMTP server.


You may get the following error message when sending email.

For MAC: Rejected by the SMTP Server

For Windows: Banned from using SMTP


Our SMTP Server automatically blocks and the Postmaster can manually block email address from sending email using SMTT for security purposes.


Most common issue is when an email address has been compromised and is being used for the following:

  • TPG SMTP servers detected that the email address is sending spam emails, virus or malware.
  • TPG SMTP server has detected that your account is sending messages to a large number of recipients; Unsolicited bulk email (UBE) / Unsolicited commercial email (UCE).
  • TPG SMTP Server has detected that your email has been used with a foreign IP Address “overseas”.

You can follow the simple steps below to fix this issue:

Change you TPG account password online:

After changing the password. Wait for 15-30 minutes before sending an email.

If this does not work then get back to me via PM

To learn how to send a private message, click here.  





Level 2

Thanks, did read all that when I searched, but will change my password again, and try again.





Level 2

Still no luck - have PM'd

Level 2

No luck still, and no response to my PM



Not applicable

Hi @schs448,


We're sad to know that you're still having issues with the service. Please re-send me your e-mail address for further investigation.





No luck still, and no response to my PM

