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Connection charges from home phone

Level 2

I have just discovered that TPG charges for all calls made from the home phone to mobiles even if they are not answered.

i frequently call my mobile from the home phone to locate it it around the house. I would never let it go to the message bank.however when I looked at my account today i have been charged for every one of these calls for the past year. Not only does it charge a connection fee but it immediately begins to charge more for the time the phone rings until it is hanged up. Would be like going to a Phone Box and putting money in which is not returned even when phone is unanswered, costing more each time it rings.

I cannot believe this is even LEGAL but if it is then it is still MORALLY wrong. Shame TPG

i have contacted the Telecommunications Ombudsman for clarification.

Not applicable

Hi @michlamby,

We have located the account using your community details and we can see that you have been in touch with one of our escalation officers, who discussed the concerns raised.

We regret to know that you are considering cancelling the service, but we would like to check what can be done to turn this around. We have escalated your concern to our Complaints Resolution Team and a case manager will be in touch via phone call or email as soon as the assessment is completed.

Please be assured that we will closely monitor the case to ensure that this will be prioritised.

Should you have a preferred contact number and email address, please send it via private message.

Level 2

My phone number is 04xxxxxxxx

I am available after 14/8/18

Not applicable

Thanks for the details, @michlamby.


I will pass this to the assigned Complaints Resolution Case Manager for additional reference.

Please be advised that our Complaints Resolution Team is available only during weekdays ( 9-5PM )




Hi michlamby,


Your complaints resolution case manager was trying to contact you, but you were unreachable. They've sent you an email in which they are asking if what's the billing cycle of the disputed amount? And other information. You may respond to the email so you'll be talking directly with your Case manager.


Kind regards,
