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Hi All,
If you are still experiencing issues with emails from Gmail to TPG mail account, please send me a PM with your TPG username or customer ID number along with your TPG email account.
We'd like to look into it further as a number of customers advised that it's already working on their end.
Hi BasilDV
I have not received somegmail emails at all and some gmail emails are delyayed up to 2 days. None of these emails are spam. I would be happy to send the information you requested (TPG username or customer ID number plus myTPG email account) but not on a public forum. How do I do this privately please?
Hi jennyken
I have already contacted the Telecommunications Industry Ombudsman about this problem and was told that this was a commercial decision by TPG and the TIO could not intervene. The person I spoke to checked with her manager and confirmed this was the case. I encourage you to have another tilt at this with the TIO. Perhaps the Department of Fair Trading is another avenue. A letter to Choice magazine is another option. I haven't had time to contact Fair Trading and Choice as yet.
We shouldn't let this slide.
Thanks david64
I am still experiencing significant delays (today the delay was 2 hours) in delivery of gmail emails to my tpg account. Is anyone else still having these problems?
I too am having legitimate email from gmail accounts to my tpg account held up. Like another commenter, I am a treasurer of an Owners Corporation and need to respond promptly to mail from other committee members and owners.
TPG requested I provide them with a comprehensive list of all gmail emails which had been delayed, with dates and times of sending and receiving. It was a lot of trouble but I did this in the hope of the problem being fixed. Here is the reply I received today from Jerico the TPG Postmaster. It is the same old story, they have done nothing to fix the problem and have in addition wasted my time.
The delayed emails were possible caused of the rate limiting from gmail senders due to a lot of spam receiving from them.
We know that that senders are not spammers, however, they are using the same mail server sending IPs provided by Gmail that's why their accounts were also affected.
We already contacted Gmail about this but we haven't received any response from them.