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Loss of NBN-TPG home broadband & home phone service

Level 4


I have emailed TPG twice with this query, below, since last Sunday, and have received no response.

I have an NBN-TPG broadband subscription.  I am emailing on behalf of a sick friend who has the same type of subscription.  She has completely lost her internet connection at the NBN box.  She has been without TPG internet for some weeks, perhaps months, and is paying a monthly subscription. Would someone at TPG be able to advise please?  Because of her illness she needs the internet connection reinstated or repaired as soon as possible.

This is the set-up:
Her NBN box is a NetComm Wireless unit, model number NDD-0300.  A cable is attached at one end to an old telephone wall socket, which was installed by Telstra. 
There is no modern pin-type wall socket for the NBN cable - the building is an old block of flats.  The other end of the cable is plugged into the NBN box at the socket where it's marked as "Wall Socket".  She tells me that when she began her NBN-TPG subscription some time ago an NBN technician attached the relevant cable.  The internet connection has progressively got worse over time, and now does not work at all.
I have taken two photos of the old wall socket - one from front-on, and the other from the right side where the cable is attached.  Will send if required.
I think there is something wrong at the wall socket preventing the NBN box from getting a proper link. Only one light on the NBN box is solid blue - it is the on-off power lght.  The light immediately to the left side of the power light is intermittently flickering on and off. The other two lights (DSL and LAN) are not turning on at all.
Would TPG be able to access and test the NBN connection and line for a signal? In order to do this, I will provide my friend's residential address, email address, mobile and and home phone number via private communication to a TPG technician.  It may be necessary for TPG to arrange for an NBN technician to visit the premises.




Hey @RMS1, we want to see how we can help get your friend back online.


Send me a PM and we'll chat some more over there.

Level 4

Thanks.  Have sent PM to you.

- RMS1

Level 4

Have sent another PM, with additional detail to @kate_ , but still haven't had a response.