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Not Receiving Emails from my Company Email

Level 2


My TPG email is not receiving emails from my new Company's email account.

My new Company's email account can receive emails from my TPG account.

All my other emails accounts are receiving & sending emails to my TPG account.

I have added my new Company's email account to Contacts in the Post Office & turned off filtering.

(Emails have not gone to Junk or Spam boxes either).




Thanks for raising this with us @parapool


We'd like to look into it further and see what we can do to resolve this as soon as possible.

Please send me a PM with your email account and customer ID number.



Level 2

I have the same problem:


I've ceated a new domain for my business and setup a new email address using MS 365 Business and Exchange. 

I receive emails from my TPG accounts on the new business email address

When I send to my TPG accounts from the new business email, I get a delivery receipt but the email does not appear in my TPG inbox. I've checked on the TPG mailbox on the web as well as via Outlook which is set up for my TPG accounts on a separate laptop from my work accounts.



Not applicable



Welcome to the community!


Thanks for raising this to us, sad to learn that you're having issues with the incoming emails. We recommend to raise the email issue directly to our Postmaster, you may send them an email to


Let us know should you require further assistance.





I have the same problem:


I've ceated a new domain for my business and setup a new email address using MS 365 Business and Exchange. 

I receive emails from my TPG accounts on the new business email address

When I send to my TPG accounts from the new business email, I get a delivery receipt but the email does not appear in my TPG inbox. I've checked on the TPG mailbox on the web as well as via Outlook which is set up for my TPG accounts on a separate laptop from my work accounts.