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Ongoing issues trying to acccess and send TPG email

Level 2

After months of waiting up to 10 minutes for post Office to open and timeframes of up to 5 minutes for emails to open/send/delete from the TPG Post Office I finally got a ticket number from TPG.  Note, I have no such issues accessing other sites (e.g. my bank, online study provider, general searches via Firefox...). Whether I use Safari or Firefox (Mac desktop), Chrome (phone) or Microsoft Edge (laptop), the slow response time for TPG Post Office is the same.  I'm completely frustated and today have set up a free email accout with Protonmail. time to no longer rely on TPG email.


I've made and received numerouis calls to and from TPG but no resolution.  I never seem to be able to speak to a technician who can help.  This evening I was asked yet again if I was avaialble for yet another technician call that never seems to arrive (tomorrow 1-5pm).  I just told the lovely service person not to bother and close the ticket - this is doing my head in.  In my recent experience, effective TPG customer service (I've been a loyal customer for over 20 years) is almost non-existant. 


Once I've disentangled myself from all the logins that use my TPG email address, I'll be looking for another provider for sure.


Not impressed!.