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TPG took the Prepaid Balance from My Mother's Mobile Account then Charged $11 for a Port Out Fee

Level 2

Very poor effort on behalf of TPG.


My elderly mother changed providor for her mobile service.


At no point was it advised that her prepaid balance was going to be forfeited but upon changing providor she received a Port Out Fee of $11.00.


Instead of taking the $11.00 from the remaining Prepaid Balance which would have been in credit at the time of the Port Out Fee, they closed the account, took the Prepaid Balance, then on top of that charged an additional $11.00 for a Port Out Fee.


Called TPG Support on the 6th December to see if they could credit the majority of the Port Out Fee as the Prepaid Balance would have almost covered it (happy to pay the difference once the Port Out Fee was consumed) and was told that 2 Tickets had been raised regarding the Prepaid Balance and the Port Out Fee and never heard back from them.


Followed them up on Friday 16th December and there was no record of the Prepaid Balance Ticket Number and nothing had resulted from the Port Out Fee Ticket Number.


I was obviously speaking with someone from the Philipines at a home as I could hear a rooster crowing throughout the call.


Very disappointed with the service and support and their practice regarding the Port Out Fee and Prepaid Balance.


Just be warned that if you are going to move Mobile Phone Providor that you request beforehand that the Prepaid Balance be credited back to you otherwise you can kiss it goodbye and on top of that if porting your number you will be charged an additional $11.00 for doing so.


I have 5 TPG Mobile Phone accounts in my family and in my partner's family and will now consider an alternative provider.





Not applicable

Hi @fbagnato,


We got you, could you shoot us  private message with your TPG mobile number to better understand the situation .


Although, the $11 port out fee is included in the agreed terms when you signed up with us let see what can we do about this.


 You may refer here,

How do I private message (PM) in the community.