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When trying to send mail from the TPG Post office I recieve the following message.
Failure sending message: Email address not valid. Please use an email address which looks like
However, as can be seen in the attachment, I am using correct eail address protocols.
Hi @shabby7
Welcome to the Community!
Could you please send me a PM with the Email address that you've experienced the issue? Is it a certain address or all of the email addresses?
Have you tried to open the TPG Post Office using a different browser and try sending the email?
What are the troubleshooting that you've done so far?
PM sent
Thank you @shabby7
The case has been raised to our Post Masters and updates will be given once available.
Hi @shabby7
Our Post Masters advised is to change your Email account password.
Once done, you may try to use it again after 5 minutes.
Let us know how it goes.