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FTTB XL Bundle Superfast to Commercial Office Block

Level 2



We've recently moved into a suite on level 11 of an office block. We've purchased the FTTB XL Bundle Superfast package. We do not have a telephone socket in our suite. Neither building services/management or TPG are offering any help. TPG is telling us that the installation is complete and internal wiring of the premise is not part of their service - fair enough - but building services/management appears to know nothing, and they say the ISPs usually sort out internal connectivity.


What have I done wrong here? Getting internet into a commercial office block suite should not be hard. Have I purchased the wrong package?


How does this usually work? Should I be looking for a communications room? Where did the NBN technician perform the installation - and what exactly did this involve?


Should I be talking to an independant telecommuncations electrician/engineer?


Any advice would be greatly appreciated.




Hi @nick1988 . Strange there is no telephone outlet in your suite. Might there be a patch panel tucked away in a cupboard or a panel in a wall? The telephone outlet might be there. Are there any ethernet outlets in the rooms in your suite?


Check, put in your address and then "Check residential" and "Check business" to see what connection type your building has. It's probably FTTB.

Check for what TPG has at your building. They have a "Personal" FTTB bundle Superfast which you've mentioned.


In the past (Telstra), a bundle of copper pairs would have come to your building and been distributed through the building. Now, fibre is laid to the building comms room to special equipment. As users switch to NBN, their copper pair is patched to the new equipment. If the building has "NBN FTTB", NBN would do the patching. If the building has "TPG FTTB" and you go with TPG, they would do the patching.

Level 2

There is an ethernet cable hanging from the ceiling. Perhaps this should go to the WAN port on the modem TPG sent us?


Would that sound reasonable? Just feels weird, considering the TPG instructions don't mention use of the WAN port.


The NBN website says the address has FTTB. Also, we've purchased "Plan: NBN Business FTTB XL Bundle Superfast" from TPG - which they say has been successfully installed.


Thanks for your help so far!


@nick1988 . Cable hanging from ceiling; I've no idea where that might go. But building management ought to know. A visit to the comms room might provide insight.

Can you ask around some of the other offices on your floor? Whatever provider they use, you'll have similar requirements to them.

You can use the NBN website to check on other addresses in your building.