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Speed test over 200mbps but won't load anything

Level 2
I've had nothing but trouble since signing up to TPG. I'm constantly getting drop-outs and no internet signal and the latest it dropping out and I run a speed test where it's dropped out from and it's over 200mps but it won't even bring the home pages up on my firestick, my mobile will do a google search but won't load the screen when I hit one of the results. I turn the wifi off on my phone and use my phone as a hotspot and connect to my firestick and it loads homescreen and movie straight away. How can a speedtest show over 200mbps and won't load any basic pages like a firestick home screen but using my phone internet as a hotspot my firestick home screen loads staight away so its not a problem with the firestick? I am so sick of troubleshooting. I lost connection last night and tried calling tpg but ended up hanging up after waiting for 10 mins and internet finally started working again after being off for 20 mins. My dads given up trying to watch movies cause it takes multiple times to try and load and drops out and he has to try and load again. I've already had one replacement modem as the last one was faulty. Had no internet for over a week while the new modem was coming and still get charged full monthly fees.

Hi @aleisha4 . What type of NBN connection do you have?
What model wifi router?

When you have the problem, is there any change to the lights on the NBN box (if you have one) and the router?

What device do you use to run the speedtest?


Hi @aleisha4,


We'd be happy to help. We recommend checking out this article Troubleshooting NBN Speed

Send us a private message and we'll check your connection. 

