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TPG FTTB Not Available through sales, although Infrastructure is available in building

Level 2

Hi All,


I have recently tried signing up to a TPG FTTB plan at my new premise, however Sales are mentioning that this is not yet avaliable in the building, however I have been told otherwise by the building manager, and have taken photos of all the TPG FTTB Infrastructure.


I ended up signing up to an NBN 100 plan as TPG will not assist me with confirming if TPG FTTB is avaliable.


Who can I speak with to have this escalated, as I'm hearing many mixed things with regards to overall avaliabiltiy, and have pictures which prove that this should be readily available.




Not applicable

Hi @simon_sayz, please send us a private message with your TPG customer ID, username and complete address so we can pull up the account and look into this. To send a PM, please refer to this link: How do I private message (PM) in the community