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Absolutely comic customer service isn't actually funny and use of credit card on wrong accounts!

Level 2

Has anyone had an experience like mine:


Around two weeks ago contacted TPG due to poor internet speed. After a pleasant conversation they agreed to send me a replacement modem which should fix things up nicely. About 2-4 work days to deliver they say which is mighty helpful, and only $10 to cover the postage, no charge for the modem.


A few days later a quick call from me to them to enquire, hows it looking. Oh dear they say, we havent sent it because your credit card is not up to date. GRRR. So flip me through to accounts who update the credit card and take the nominal charge of $1 as is normal practice.


Call a few days later to see how things are going. Oh no, we havent sent it they say, lets look at your file. Endless argy bargy later and we are off to the races again. Sorry Sir, yes we will send you a new modem and despite just now saying you might have to pay for it we agree, we did say it would be free so we will send it. 


A few days later and the modem is not here and a txt arrives...we cant send your modem because your credit card is not up to date. When you update it please let us know.


On the phone again to complain and still they say you havent updated yourcredit card, despite the $1 charge. This suggests that they have updated someone else account with my credit card details. And still no modem and still no answers and still not a hint of apology.


So what do i do kind people: Wait for my credit card to be charged and then complain again? To whom?Allow them to go through the process of updating my credit ard yet again and taking another $1 charge in the hope that this gets the ball rolloing? How do regain confidence that my credit card details are not now attached to someone else account and if they are, how do i have that changed?


And how do i get the wasted time back or an apology for this comedy of errors from TPG. 


Or is this just a sneaky method to distract me from the 10-20mbbbs that i am getting when i pay for 50!











Hi @mikathecat


Our apologies for this inconvenience, I can ask one of our customer service representative to contact you regarding your concerns. Please PM (private message) with your Full Name, CID (customer identication number) and your mobile phone number, and I will request someone to contact you back ASAP.




Level 2

Is this a private message?if not how do i send one?

Not applicable

Hi @mikathecat,


Here is a link on how to send a PM.  How do I private message (PM) in the community






Is this a private message?if not how do i send one?


Hi @mikathecat


I have since chased your concern with the officer assigned to assist you accordingly. 


A call back has also  been organised tomorrow morning , 24 July 2020, using the mobile number we have on file.


Should you require further assistance, please don't hesitate to reach out to us again. 


