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Replacing my tp ling vr 1600v modem

Level 2

Hi i have the original tp link archer vr1600v modem it started playing up a few months ago and your techs called me to update some settings. This hasn't worked at all and now i can't get 5G on any device and the 2.4 g is a bit flaky, nothing like the performance we had previously.  So i want to know if i can replace my modem with a TP link AC2100 (Archer VR2100) modem/router and whether this is a good choice.

If i do this are there any settings i need to use to best configure with my FTTB service. Howard Dickinson 29 Trafalgar Road East Perth.


Hi @howie13 . FTTB needs VLAN ID=2 setting. In the VR2100 manual I have, there doesn't seem to be this setting. It does have a VLAN setting for IPTV but this may not be right for internet access.

Regarding the VR1600, have you tried a factory reset? After restart, do the 2.4G and 5G lights come on? (They should be enabled by default.) 

Does you wifi device show full signal strength when up close to the router?

Level 2

Hi David64,

The mode4m has been reset and restarted several times. the 2.4 and 5g lights come on but my devices can't always find them. the devices include a 1 year old Sony top of the range TV and the other is a Samsunbg S21.


If the 2100 is no good, suprising cause it says FTTB on the box then what is a better choice. 


Hi @howie13 


If the 2100 that you have indicates the FTTB, then you have a choice to contact the support of the device to ask them on how to set the VLAN ID into 2, which is required for the NBN FTTB technology.


Let us know how it goes.


Level 2

Hi Basil

You mention NBN FTTB, my FTTB from TPG was installed a year before NBN became avaiklable and was I think a custom install by TPG. So does this still mean i have TPG NBN FTTB and the Vlan ID still needs to be set to 2.


Hi @howie13


You are under the TPG FTTB service. You also need to set the VLAN ID to 2.


Please check this support link for more information: TPG FTTB General settings

