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Send me an email and tell me that someone came to install 04/09/2019. Still no network until now

Level 2
Until now, I don't know if the installation is complete yet? I was forced to cancel optus because I was notified to install it today. Calling customer service is still not clear whether there is any installation completed today. It is not clear when there will be a network. Feeling very disappointed.

Hi @wengqian 


Welcome to TPG Community!


We were able to locate your account using your community details and there was a notification from Telstra that the installation of the service has been completed.


However, based on the line test result by our Tech team, there's an issue on the line which is why the service is still not working.


We'll chase this with our Engineering team and have someone to contact you via SMS or phone call to provide further updates with the case.


Our sincerest apologies for the inconvenience.




Level 2
I want to know if there is a problem with the external line or is there a problem with the internal line? I still don't understand why I can use optus broadband. Is there a problem with the line when I switch to TPG?

Hi @wengqian


Based on the test results, this appears to be a jumpering issue in the exchange that Telstra needs to check.


I can see that an SMS was already sent to you providing the time frame as to when Telstra can check and address the issue we've raised to them. Further updates and information on the outcome of the tech visit will be provided to you directly via SMS or phone call by one of our Engineers.



Level 2
Someone came to my house this morning to check, it was a line problem. At noon TPG called and told me that the line had been repaired. But still no network. I don't understand where the problem is. I am troubled.
Not applicable

Hi @wengqian, our Engineering Team is still waiting for the final report from the technician and the case engineer will contact you as soon as this becomes available. Thank you.

Level 2
I just want to know when I can have a network? Or can I choose to cancel the contract? You haven't dealt with it on the fourth day. . I told me later that the problem has been fixed and I am waiting to open it. I will tell me about the technical staff report. I don't know when you have to deal with it.
Not applicable

Hi @wengqian,


We've seen that you have been in contact with one of our Engineers today. Based on the latest log on file we have identified that the issue is with the network controlled by Telstra. This unfortunately means only Telstra technicians have the authority to fix this fault. At the moment our team is still awaiting Job Completion from Telstra.


We apologise for any inconvenience, let us know should you require further assistance.



Level 2
I just want to know when I can have a network, and when will the Telstra technicians help me with the problem. Rather than always having no clear time to wait. . I am very disappointed with your service.
Not applicable

Hi @wengqian,


We do not have the information but at the moment our Engineering Team is currently awaiting for Telstra Technician's update. You will be contacted by the assigned Engineer handling this case when the information becomes available.

