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Cost for service during 30 day notice period - Waiver

Level 2

Dear TPG Customer Service,


I am writing to express my deep dissatisfaction and concern regarding recent charges applied to my account and the lack of communication regarding your cancellation policy. I have been a loyal TPG customer since 2016, and the experience I am currently facing is far from the standards of transparency and customer service that I have come to expect from your company.


The specific issue at hand is the imposition of a $67.73 charge as part of a 30-day notice policy upon cancelling my "no contract" NBN plan. I would like to highlight the following critical points:


Lack of Prior Notification: At no point during my tenure as a TPG customer was I informed of a 30-day notice requirement for cancelling my plan. I have never received any communication, whether via phone calls or email, that outlined this cancellation policy.


Transparency and Disclosure: Transparency and clear communication are fundamental principles in any customer-provider relationship. I find it both unacceptable and unreasonable that such a significant policy, one that incurs charges, was not adequately disclosed to me.


I am formally requesting the following actions to be taken:


Dismiss Charges: I request an immediate dismiss of the $67.73 charge applied to my account.


Documentation of the Policy: Provide me with written documentation or evidence that clearly outlines where and when the 30-day notice and associated charges were disclosed to me.


Review of My Case: A thorough review of my case by a senior member of your customer support team who possesses the authority to address this matter effectively.


Thanks. Kind Regards

Community Manager

Hi @jcxwang89,


The 30-day notice period is mentioned in our terms and conditions page and in the critical information summary of your plan as well. You can head over to the links below to check them out.


Critical Information Summary (


Service Description and Terms – NBN | TPG website


Level 2

Hi @adib_rahmang


Thank you for providing the link to the 30 days fee rule, I have no recollection of this rule being communicate clearly to me when I signed up with TPG in 2016, and I deem it was not comunicate clearly to me at all.


Could you please also address the other request in my initial message, which I will also post below again.


Dismiss Charges: I request an immediate dismiss of the $67.73 charge applied to my account.


Review of My Case: A thorough review of my case by a senior member of your customer support team who possesses the authority to address this matter effectively.


Kind Regards




Hi @jcxwang89, please send us a private message and we'll bring up your account. 


Thanks for confirming your details. When you are outside contract, you can cancel the account without any termination fees. However, you are required to provide us at least 30 days notice and the service has to be paid up to the end of the notice period.


We'll reach out to our Cancel team to discuss the cancel fee. May we know the best time to call you? 

Level 2

Hi AHRA_G, would you please contact me via my mobile between 10am to 4PM tomorrow 30/05/2024. Thank you.


Alternatively, you can contact me right now if you just happened to saw this message.


Kind Regards.