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Is there a problem with TPG mobile at the moment?

Level 2

Both my mobile and my wife's mobile were successfully billed $19.99 around the 12th last month, as happens every month. However today when we try to make calls to we both get a message saying our account balance is insufficient to make this call.


Yet not only were we successfully billed last month, but these calls are meant to be $0 (unlimited calls to oz numbers).


Our next billing date is still a few days away.


My Account shows current prepaid balance as $0 and amount payable as $0. (edit: in my original post I thought it also showed 0gb data used, but actually it's 0.02gb, which would be right.)


What might the problem be?

Level 2

For some reason I can't edit or delete my previous post, so just posting an update to say that the problem has gone and we can make calls on both mobiles again. 😀


Glad that you and your wife are back on track, @jaca54