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My TPG account has been hacked

Level 2
I submitted a post yesterday about suspicious communication urging me to follow a link to.have my monthly payment deducted. This was before the due date and no evidence in my bank account that a deduction had been declined. I wanted to know who to contact about this.
I can't find this post.
Today the correct amount was deducted from my bank account as it is the due date. To his means my TPG Billing account has been hacked. Who can I report this to ?
Not applicable

Hi @Diane1058 ,


I responded to your initial post located here. Please send me a private message with your account details (Username/Customer ID together with the address on file) also include your best contact number and preferred time.


I will arrange one of our Account Specialists to contact you to discuss details of the payment.



@Diane1058 wrote:
I submitted a post yesterday about suspicious communication urging me to follow a link to.have my monthly payment deducted. This was before the due date and no evidence in my bank account that a deduction had been declined. I wanted to know who to contact about this.
I can't find this post.
Today the correct amount was deducted from my bank account as it is the due date. To his means my TPG Billing account has been hacked. Who can I report this to ?


Level 2
Hi Shane - thank you for contacting me. I managed to find a phone number to ring yesterday . Also the payment was deducted as normal yesterday. They confirmed with me that they had tried to deduct a payment on the 24th and sent an email saying insufficient funds on the date in question.
I appreciate your help but I am hesitant to pm you with my account details.

Thank you for the update @Diane1058


Let us know if you need further assistance.

