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Post Office and Account (unsafe to login and use)

Level 3

Dear TPG Admin Support,

Could you guys check if the Post Office (TPG email login) and Account page login is completely secure? Because when you want to reset your own password, it does not allow you to make a secure password and only with alpha-numerical digits. I have been receiving serious malware messages that I can see have used the same email header (from) with my own TPG email. Can you try to resolve this?

Not applicable

Hey, @huynhmik


For Email related concern, we suggest to raise this directly to our postmaster you may send an email to

Let us know should you require further assistance.





Dear TPG Admin Support,

Could you guys check if the Post Office (TPG email login) and Account page login is completely secure? Because when you want to reset your own password, it does not allow you to make a secure password and only with alpha-numerical digits. I have been receiving serious malware messages that I can see have used the same email header (from) with my own TPG email. Can you try to resolve this?