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Received email that My $1/m Pay As You Go plan is changing to $15/m, want to cancel and get refund on my credit and prep

Level 2

Hi there,


As per subject, I've been on my Pay As You Go plan for years, mainly using it to receive calls, so $1/m is reasonable. Just got an email on Fri that it's changing in Nov to a $15/m PAYG plan which is not what I need and way over my budget.  I currently has $3 refunded credit and nearly $10 prepaid balance in my account, I want to close my account and get these refunded to my bank account. Please let us know how I can proceed with this?




We want to see you stick around, @alanyang. We made the decision to streamline the mobile plans we have on offer so we can continue to focus on the quality of our products.


If you send me a PM here, we'll check out all of your options and see how we can help out.