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no usage details in account?

Level 2

Log in to check usage but nothing shows - just get message "usage not collected" - surely that's not the case?


How can I otherwise verify calls usage that prompt an occasional direct debit from my account?


Hi @pcbc 


Welcome to the Community!


We were able to locate your account using your community details and understand that you've been in touch with our Accounts team. They've explained the case and provided further information.


If you need further assistance, please let us know.



Level 2

They didn't address the nil usage details. Hence my query. Is this something that you can toggle on/off? All I see is:

Usage not collected for the period 2020-12-04 to 2021-01-03
Usage not collected for the period 2020-11-09 to 2020-12-04
Usage not collected for the period 2020-10-09 to 2020-11-09
Level 2

Makes it hard to reconcile prepayment debits if I can't see usage.

Incidently I had never previously required additional prepayment topups as no calls were made outside included bundle. However, it looks to have changed when 13/1300 were removed from inclusions in the bundle - this was neither advised nor valid as I was an existing customer/subscriber - can you please look into this and reimburse if necessary.

Not applicable

We have forwarded your messages to our Accounts Team and requested one of our account specialists to contact you again to to further discuss the matter. Kindly await a call within 24 hours. Thank you.