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why cant I get what I was promised

Level 2

in the last 15 days I have spoken to over 50 tpg employees and multiple departments and still cant get what I was promised.

On the 9/2 I organised a change of plan from ADSL to fixed wireless, it was on the proviso that it would have a static IP and the 16 public IP's I have had since 2010 would transfer over.

1. the change over occured before the modem arrived and therefore I was without internet for 3 days.

2. the phone transfer took over 7 days and required multiple phone calls to sort out

3. no static IP

4. no public addresses routed to me

Still no satisfaction getting this sorted out with over 17 hours on the phone and dozens of calls.

I get transfered to different departments constantly and have to re explain my issue, not to mention the "one time verification code" that I have to walk 50 metres to receive because phone service sucks.

And seriously please get rid of that so annoying music on hold, I have listened to "she will be loved" by maroon5 about 8000 times.

Please get a manager to call me, some one that can actually make a decission and get things done.




Hi @reallyunhappy . When you say "fixed wireless", do you mean TPG 4G/5G wireless broadband or NBN fixed wireless?

Level 2

NBN fixed wireless


@reallyunhappy . I'm not too familiar with fixed wireless. 

Generally, residential plans get dynamic WAN ip address. Business plans have static ip address. Are you getting a proper WAN ip address?


Does fixed wireless support VOIP phone? Are you using this?


If you have poor mobile coverage, you can investigate wifi calling; making mobile calls via home wifi.


Do you need to login to your home network from the internet? You can use dynamic DNS.

Level 2

I have had a static IP address on ADSL since 2010, and have a static IP on my mums house NBN fixed wireless for the last 3 years. Yes FW will do static if the ISP will provide it but I have just been informed that that service was changed between ordering and instal.

Yes FW does VOIP.

Yes I do use wifi calling but it won't receive an SMS over wifi even with RCS turned on. I don't know why.

I run a family (at least I did as its been offline for 2 week now) mail server and a family tracker service hence the need for public IP addresses and NO using DDNS doesnt work for a mail server.

If they had told me when I requested the change I would have looked at my options but they LIED to me and now I have lost any credibility my mail server had and my stress level is so high I'm readdy to blow something up big time, probably a good thing I have no access to anything so I might just push over some bush with my bulldozer.


@reallyunhappy . Sorry can't help. Moderators are 2-3 days behind with Community entries.


Hi @reallyunhappy 


We'd like to have a better understanding of the situation and see how can we help.


Please send us a private message with your account details.

