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30 Day cancellation notice.

Level 2
I’ve been with TPG since 2008, my current NBN plan is a “no contract”. I’ve move to Vodafone today 15 sep. TPG has charged me $29.99 as part of this 30 day notice business. At no time has anybody from TPG informed me of any cancellation notice, pleas show me the email that was sent to me on this cancellation policy. According to your call centre, when Vodafone made a check with nbn for the ID tpg lost my connection, so how is it possible for any notice period to be given when and if any another provider enquires with NBN for a NBN ID tpg loess’s the connection anyway making this 30day notice period a waste of anybodys time. As a organisation I would think that some kind of contact would have been attempted to be made with me since I’ve been a customer since 2008, it’s obvious TPG doesn’t give a rats.
I still want someone to get in touch with me to show me where and when this 30 days cancellation policy was told to me. My username is my account number.

Hi 3303740, 


Welcome to TPG Community! 


When you transferred your connection to Vodafone, an email notification regarding the service cancellation is being sent immediately. We recommend that you check on your spam and junk folders if it is not routed on the inbox. Moreover, if you are outside contract and you cancel your TPG service, a 30-day notice period applies which is payable even if your NBN cancellation is completed earlier than 30 days. You may also refer to 


If you wish to further discuss, send us a PM with your contact details and we'll arrange a callback with our Accounts Team. 



Level 2
Thanks for the hyperlink, but see attached what page it takes me too.

Hi 3303740, 


Can you please try on another web browser? Try this weblink,


Also, are you able to find the email notification from our Cancellations Team?



Level 2
Yes I have the email, the question I have is how was I informed of this 30 day cancellation policy, I was never informed

Hi 3303740, 


Aside from our standard terms and conditions, the notice period is being discussed when you contact us prior to cancelling the TPG service or if your line gets transferred to another ISP, an email notification will be delivered to the contact email address on file. 




Level 2
I think you should check your PM and call me
Level 2
Let me start from the beginning.
At 11 am today I had no internet so I called TPG then I was transferred to customer support, who informed me that another provider has requested my NBN ID from NBN as such TPG could not do anything,but, they could contact NBN and cancel that request, which I said no.
For reference TPG is/will be charging me $65 from October for a unlimited 25 mbs no contract plan. Vodafone is giving me 50mbs for $55 for 12 months then $ 69.99 but still at 50mbs.
Then I get an email from TPG, telling me about the in contract and out of contract 30 days as you are mentioning and have charged me $29.99.
My question again is when besides todays email was I informed of this 30 day cancellation period, which I believe you will refer me to the standard terms and conditions, which I can’t understand cause as mention by your own staff as soon as Vodafone is notified TPG can’t provide any internet service even if I planned 30 days ahead. This was the information given by your own customer support.
It seems to me that TPG is hiding behind the standard “you didn’t read the fine print” clause.
If that’s the case, I will Perdue this matter in a different arena. But, I do thank you for your replies.
Level 2

All TPG customer has this issue when cancelling service from TPG. Maybe contact ACCC for this matter. 

Level 2

I am in the same situation, I received email addvised that my NBN25 price will be increased by $5 therefore I signed up with Tangerine NBN25 at $44.99 per month for first six month and $59.90 afterward not aware of TPG 30 days notice cancellation policy. I was surprise and shock of the cancellation policy. I contacted Tangerine and explain TPG 30 days notice policy, Tangerine is happy to defer the NBN activation service on their end to accommodate TPG 30 days notice policy. TPG is trying to squeeze every drop of blood from customers before allow them to leave the company. I will be moving all my current service with TPG to other provider and warn my friends and family of this policy.