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Are the help support lines still running?

Level 2
I have had an issue with my NBN box not connecting, and have called up four times tonight, been on hold for 40 mins each time then it cuts out. Has anyone gotten through recently? It doesn’t seem the line is active anymore. Is there another way to get help?
Level 3

Same, in the Eastern Surburbs. I have been on the line for 45 minutes already. Nobody is picking up. 

Level 3

No point at calling them. Download the TPG app, login into your account.


Connection status - Test your connection - Lodge fault. Choose a call back time slot

Not applicable

Hi @Simmmmmmmo ,


Let us take this opportunity to turn your experience around and help check what is causing issues with the service and see what we can do to fix this. 


Could you flick me a message with your details?


How to send a PM? 




I have had an issue with my NBN box not connecting, and have called up four times tonight, been on hold for 40 mins each time then it cuts out. Has anyone gotten through recently? It doesn’t seem the line is active anymore. Is there another way to get help?

Not applicable

Hi @Rollo ,


I responded to your post located here Let us see what we can do to fix the issues affecting the service. Could you shoot me a PM with your details?




No point at calling them. Download the TPG app, login into your account.


Connection status - Test your connection - Lodge fault. Choose a call back time slot

Level 3
Hi Shane,

What is the point of your Private messages, when nothing is happening. I’ve been trying to get anyone to respond to my lodged flaws since yesterday. This is disgraceful
Level 3
I’m lodging a complaint to ACCC. I ask for everyone to do the same. This situation will never improve unless we do something. This is unacceptable level of service. Internet is not a privilege anymore, this is an essential part of everyday life. You cannot meet terms and conditions on the agreement, you’ll be dealing with the consequences of this. I’m done with being ignored. I’ve been calling you for 2 days, lodging tickets - nothing. You are just not even trying anymore

Hi @Rollo


We understand that your assigned Engineer has been in contact and booked the earliest appointment for the technician visit.


Your concern will be raised to our Complaints Resolution Team and a case manager will be in touch with you for further discussion.



Level 3

What about support over the phone? I've got an issue with internet for the third day in a row, nothing gets better. Trying to call you for the second day. WTH?


We are here to help, @coldze 


Can you explain the experience you are currently getting with your service?


What troubleshooting have you tried so far?

