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Can access Foxtel, Netflix, Banking etc but basic internet search works

Level 2

OOKlA Speed test shows internet speed is good, a basic google search returns results but a lot of websites will not work. Facebook not loading, Foxtel box not working, Netflix not working in browser or TV. Cant access my bank website and many other locations. Foxtel box and TV are both on CAT5 not WIFI.

TPG support is non existant, hopefully someone here can help


Hi @adiehm . How long has this been happening?

On your computer, can you do  nslookup  command on some websites that don't work, eg.   nslookup

Does it give an ip address for the website?

What DNS are you using? (Shown in nslookup output.)

When you try to access in browser, what do you get?

Partial page with gaps, or nothing at all?

Do you eventually get an error message?