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Can't see my network nor to connect for 2 days now

Level 2

Since yesterday morning I can't see my network when I search wifi and I can't connect. I called customer service yesterday and they said technical support will call me but never happened. What do I do to fix it?



Hi @Moksha . On your wifi device, can you see other networks in the neighbourhood?

On your router, are the 2.4G/5G lights on? Some routers have a switch to turn wifi off/on.

What model is it?

Has the router config been changed to either disable wifi or hide the SSID names? 

Any improvement if you move closer to router? 

Reboot router.

Level 2

I can see other networks from the neighbourhood

2.4G/5G lights are on, TP Link modem

I haven't changed outer configuration and even don't know how

No improvement when I get closer




@Moksha . Does the router feel hot? Turn the router off for 5 minutes then back on. See if it might be heat related.