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Cannot use port forwarding on TPG modem VX220-G2v

Level 2

Hello all, I've been attempting to port forward but have been unable to get anything working after a few days of trouble shooting.


For context I am trying to port forward to be able to use the Foundry application for tabletop games, i've followed all correct procedures and yet nothing, its as if im being blocked from creating using the function. please see below picture for example of port.

port forward.png


One thing to note is when I am looking through I noticed that on the Network Tab Under the DSL section the WAN interface name that is selected shows a connected status however its operation is greyed out and only shows Dissconnected. When I change the input to manual I loose connection on the the status but become connected on the operation, I'm not sure if that has anything to do with anything but its something to note I guess. The top row is the active network that my sits on. I have rebooted and RESET the modem and still nothing has worked for me. Any and all help would be appreciated, cheers.

WAN page.jpg


Hi @aturn147 . The interface pppoe_ptm_2_1 is Connected which means your connection is FTTB or FTTN. The forwarding rule is correct to use this interface.

The other considerations are to give the game computer a reserved ip address in VX220, say, so it always gets this address. Is it only TCP being used? You can specify both protocols.

Check on the game computer that port 30000 is in Listening state, ie. that the game program is running.

Do command:   netstat -an 

If you have a second computer, you can try this:

telnet 192.168.1.X 30000

X is whatever you have chosen. X=106 going from your picture or X=11 from my example.

Use a port checking tool on the internet to check that you are getting through the router.

Level 3

@david64Could you confirm if current TPG nbn business plan like nbn50/20 with a static IP doesn't block any port for business? 

I want to take such a business plan, but I need a confirmation that all ports are available for my business IT system, especially those common ports like 80, 443, 8080, and 25. I will have my own router NetComm NL20Mesh, no need TPG router.



Hi @haolle . When users ask about port forwarding, TPG always say that they do not block ports. I'm on residential plan and when I test port forwarding I always get through on whatever port I'm testing.

Level 3

@david64  Thanks. I used to have TPG residential nbn plan (nbn bundle with a landline number). It provides dynamic IP and I could do any port forwarding.

Vodafone curently provides a similar plan (nbn business plan) via TPG, but it doesn't support port forwarding like 80, 443, and 8080. Vodafone confirmed they block those ports, and are unable to unblock them. So I wonder if new TPG nbn plan are in the same position.


@haolle . Using Chrome on mobile data, I can generate TCP requests to my home network on those ports. 

Using Wireshark, I can see the requests being received on my computer and responded to. Response is Reset since the ports are closed. This is indicated in the error message in Chrome.

I'd say Vodafone has made a business decision (as opposed to a technical decision) to block those ports.

Level 3

Hey @david64 Thanks for the testing. I initially was told by Vodafone sales team their nbn business plan with static IP provides NAT function. It turns out those critical ports are blocked. I tested with Vodafone modem (actually TPG modem - NL20Mesh - with TPG firmware provided by TPG), I also tested with my old TPG modem (TP-link VR1600v) that (NAT) worked well with my old TPG residential plan. Both of them don't work for those ports (Vodafone plan). Some ports' forwarding work, like 3000, 4000. Different Vodafone teams told me different story. I bought a generic NetComm NL20Mesh modem for test, and finally Vodafone confirms they block those ports. I have to cancel the plan with them.


I want to move back to TPG, but not sure if their new product's feature is same as Vodafone's (after all looks same product (modem), but not sure if same product service tier). I enquired TPG sales team, but they couldn't give straightaway answer, waiting for TPG product team's response. It has been 1 month. I am worried about their support.


Do you have any experince with TPG's "self-service portal"? Does it provide port configuration function (block/unblock)? Thanks.


@haolle . Not sure what you are asking about?

- product service tier?

- self service portal?

There should be no  problem with ports being blocked.

What type of NBN connection do you have now?

What is your plan speed?

Level 3

my current plan is "Vodafone business nbn essential + (50/20Mbps)". Vodafone sells TPG nbn product, but blocks some ports. The NAT doesn't fully function. As you said, it is Vodafone's business decision.


TPG's business nbn essential + (50/20Mbps) plan looks same product, but provide "self-service portal" to business customers. I want to know if it provides function for customers to manage "ports" by themselves, so the product service tier is different from Vodafone's.


@haolle . You can ask your questions in the online form in the business part of TPG website.