Daily Dropouts

Level 2



For the last couple of of weeks I have been experiencing anywhere from between 1 to 10+ dropouts a day. These can last anywhere from a minute to over an hour.


This has been an issue for the last year where I will get these dropouts, they're investigated, a TPG technician comes out and says there's issues on the line in the street then an NBN technician comes out and does something. The dropouts will then stop happing for a couple of months then the whole cycle will start over again.


I have tried calling a couple of times but have been on hold for over 20 minutes so I figured I'd post here instead. Is someone able to look at my account and investigate please?




Hi @angus8886


Welcome to TPG Community!


We were able to locate your account using your community details and was able to detect a possible fault within the NBN network after running some tests.


We've escalated the case to our Engineering team for further investigation and an assigned Engineer will be in touch with you via SMS or phone call once an update becomes available.

