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Drop outs fttn glenmore park nsw

Level 3
I am getting regular drop outs on fttn in glenmore park. It's kind of hard to fix wifi issues when the internet is down.
I know it's probably an nbn issue. Any ideas on how to get this fixed?

Hi rigby75


Sorry to know that you're experiencing issues. I'd like to organise a callback to be made from our Technical Team to assist you in checking for any underlying issues though I've seen that your modem has been connected for almost 24hrs now. 


May I know your most convenient time to receive a call? 


Hello rigby75


We're concerned about the status of your connection so I went ahead and organised a call back to be made from our Technical Team to further check what's causing the issue. 


I've organised the call tomorrow, 24 July 2018 between 11AM - 12NN, and we used the mobile number we have on file. 


Should you have another call back number or another preferred time, please don't hesitate to let us know. 




Level 3
Thanks for following this up. I have organized to speak to them thursday. Hopefully the dropouts can be fixed.
If not can i switch back to adsl? Atleast it doesn't drop out. Or do you have an option of 4g back up?
Not applicable

We apologise as switching back to ADSL2+ is no longer possible since the NBN Fibre Technology has been rolled out already in your area and the old network (ADSL) has been switched off as well. 


As you are aware, everyone will have to move over eventually to NBN Technology as all copper lines will soon be decommissioned around the country. 


We do not provide compensation for the interim service used while we are restoring a service fault.


We'll keep an eye on this fault rest assured feedback will be provided where is possible.




Level 3
Thanks for fast reply.
Not applicable

Hi @rigby75, we can see that our Technical Team has been in touch and scheduled a callback on Thursday.


Our Technical Team is closely monitoring the case and will be in touch for updates where possible.


Should you require further assistance, feel free to drop us a message. Thank you.