
Level 2
Lucy here

I’ve just arrived home and it’s midnight. Both our 5G NBN FTTC and the standard line are not working. We have had constant drop outs the last few days.

NBN reports no issues at our address.
TPG reports We have reviewed your issue and found the service to be working within specifications, we will monitor your case until 18/08 17:13 PM. RefTE5424209
Anychance someone can help?
I’m considering leaving TPG as it’s not reliable for me to be able to work from home. And we are paying for a service that ain’t working!
Level 7

By 'the standard line' do you mean the home phone?  The trouble with dropouts is that they are invariably intermittent, and testing may take place when the connection is fine. Also, if TPG line tests are OK over a period, it points to something amiss at your end. If that is the cae, then changing providers will not help.

Level 2
We have two options for wifi: see image (our wifi is 6753..solar wifi is a neighbouring address)
Both are dropping out more frequently than infrequently. This used to only occur if raining then connection would reestablish. I have done a hard reset of NBN modem and our router. The only weather we have had was lightning around 5 days ago but the drop outs were occurring prior to this.

Hi @Lucykmckenzie . What model wifi router do you have?

When dropout occurs, what happens to the lights on NBN box and router?

When dropout occurs, can you still login to router admin?

Does it still have a WAN ip address or has it gone to all zeros?

Level 2
We have a Tp link archer VR 1600 version 2.0
Level 2
We have a tp link archer vr
I don’t have the it skills to log in to router admin..
Down at the moment.
NBN link 🔗 flashing and power on. No other lights flashing or steady.
Archer power light on, lights on and steady for 2.4 and 5g

Thanks so much for your help.

@Lucykmckenzie . Link light flashing indicates problem in phone line connection to distribution point unit under footpath outside. This is something for TPG to arrange with NBNCo to check.

In the meantime, just check that the telephone cable is secure in the NBN box and the wall socket.

Moderator @kate_ should get a mesage about this.


Level 2
Thanks David will do.

Can you confirm how will I know that @kate_ has logged a job with TPG for NBN to review?

@Lucykmckenzie . A moderator should contact you to get your account number so they can find the details for your connection. If there's no contact today, you can send a private message.




Hey @Lucykmckenzie, let's jump in and see what's happening with your connection.


Send me a PM and we'll get things sorted. You can find the steps on how to do this in the link David sent above 😊