Email Issues

Level 3

TPG email service is rapidly becomming unuseable.  More and more of my clients are rejecting/blocking my emails. Having spoken to a number of their IT persons, they advise that the TPG email server is blacklisted because it is notorious for spam.  Lets be clear it has nothing to do with my particular email address.  The suggestion is that I activate the SMTP option for the outgoing mail server.  Can do except the port setting is 25 and this port is not being supported by major ISPs because most of the computers pushing out spam are using port 25.  So first question is can I use an alternative port setting, 587 or 465 is recommended, and secon question what is TPG doing about this.  


Hi @Coxie . The option is SMTP authentication.

For sending, you can use port 587 with Security NONE or STARTTLS. Or, port 465 with Security SSL/TLS.

Depends on what options are in your mail client.

For receiving, port 110 with Security NONE or STARTTLS. Or, port 995 with Security SSL/TLS.

Level 3



Thanks for the quick and informative reply.


Just a suggestion.  Maybe TPG can update the email settings page on the website with these details.  Cyber security is becomming more and more of an issue and big companies like those that I deal with are are installing more and more security checks and using black lists to stop spam and viruses.

