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Hey, bgfnom. Could you post the screenshot of the error message on this thread for reference? What troubleshooting have you performed so far?
When I try to send or forward emails I receive a message “the sender address was invalid” it’s happening on all devices but the post office on the website works
I have sent a screen shot of the error message i received on my laptop and on my mobile devices It says sender is not valid screen shot also attached.
"Cannot send message using the server
The sender address was rejected by the server
The server response was: [TPG-A02] Authentication denied. User is banned from using SMTP AUTH due to previous
Select a different outgoing mail server from the list below or click Try Later to
leave the message in yöur Outbox until it can be sent.
Sending from:
Edit SMTP Server List
Connection Doctor
Edit Message
Try Later
Try With Selected Server
I have changed passwords but still not working.
We also receive your message on our Twitter Page, we will provide you the updates from there to avoid redundancy and confusion. The issue has been raised to our Postmaster and currently awaiting updates.
Our Postmaster is not available today we chased this with them to prioritise this case expect an update tomorrow.
I’m not getting any response either by phone or twitter can we escalate this please?