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Emails to GMail bouncing immediately

Level 8

After years of perfect service, I am now getting:

'Your message did not reach some or all of the intended recipients.


      Subject:    FW: Test to GMail

      Sent: 4/04/2024 6:38 AM


The following recipient(s) cannot be reached:


      '####' on 4/04/2024 6:38 AM

            Server error: '550 5.1.1 recipient rejected'


Other emails outwards appear to be OK.

I should add that the two Gmail sendings that failed are both to people I send to on a nearly daily basis without problems.

EDIT: Also just received an email from a regular Gmail address, but reply attempt failed immediately as above.

All failure messages were instant and not delayed

Level 2

I am having the same issues - but both with gmail and hotmail accounts.

My gmail emails are with people I have emailed previously a number of times.

The hotmail one I was responding to so not sure why it was rejected.


Level 8

Many other users on the forum Whirlpool reporting GMail bounces. Mods: can you inform technical please. I have not pm'd you with private details as this is not sender specific. It appears to be a universal problem.

Level 3
Level 3

I am having the same issue. interestingly enough, if you send email from webmail. it goes through.


if you use a client, it doesnt. I believe it something to do with SMTP and google flagging email coming anyone on TPG as being "spam"/blocking

Level 8

But the bounce is immediate, suggesting something at TPG end. . Not nearly long enough for the target RSP to respond.

Level 3
Level 3

thats a good point Alan. Hopefully this gets fixed soon. in TPGs "service status", no mention of an issue. i would have expected this to be at least flagged given how many people email Gmail accounts.

Level 2

It's not just gmail. I am unable to send to any email address but at the moment am able to receive emails.  Seems to be a regular occurance these days and makes me think it's time to change to somewhere else as tedious as that is.

Level 8

All appears to be fixed now. Thanks Mods if it was after you passed it on to tech.


Hi all, 


There appears to be an issue posted in the TMC website for those who's migrated to TMC:



Level 8

No, that wasn't it. I am not yet migrated. But as I said, came good later in the day.

HOWEVER: ALL outward emails failing this morning (as on my new thread)