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How to cancel my nbn account and keep email address

Level 2

Hi, I will move out of my house to live with my son, so no longer need my nbn service. However, I still need my TPG email address which has been transferred to The Messaging Company.  Is it possible to move my email address under my son's TPG nbn account?  
Thank you for your attention.


Hi @yrtazq,


If there's a confirmation that your email is transferred, your email will then be a separate service which should be under TMC. 


Once the NBN service where the email is linked gets cancelled, your email address will be deactivated. Therefore, we'd recommend reaching out to TMC to confirm the status of your email address.



Level 2

Hi, thank you for reply. I will try to check with TMC.

Regarding cancellation of nbn account, could you please advise me how to cancel the account?


Hi @yrtazq, please send us a PM with your details and we'll go from there.


How do I private message (PM) in the community