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How to tell when your email is transferred to TMC?

Level 8

Go into TMC's website and send a support message. Ask them if your email address is already set as opted in.

Level 2

Have you tried logging into mail from a browser at:
     with email -> your full email address

This should tell you if you have been migrated and give you access to your mail

Level 3

@JeffS wrote:

Have you tried logging into mail from a browser at:
     with email -> your full email address

This should tell you if you have been migrated and give you access to your mail


yes i used Chrome and logged into My Account at TPG and chose Check Mail At Post Office, and it directs me to a Messaging Company looking page where i have to log in again (see attached JPG Picture) - FULL TPG email address, and TPG Password............. and my webbased emails are shown ! 


so, i assume that's all good ?

but what happens AFTER 30th November if i don't hear from TMC at all ?







Level 2

I did receive a confirmation email from TMC.

    From: The Messaging Company <>
    Date: 18/8/23 1:59 PM

I would have assumed you recieved something similar.


As you can see I am with a different part of TPG. I came here with some mobile problem.

However I beleive that if the postoffice login is working, then you have been successfully transferred from TPG to TMC.

After I was able to login to the postoffice web site I started using my usual mail client and everything has been working since.


The site '' is no longer attached to tpg.

It has been aliased to a site on amazon.

This is the same for me.


A couple of checks

  host is an alias for has address has address



      NetName:        AMAZON


      Organization:   Amazon Technologies Inc. (AT-88-Z)


They appear to be doing the hosting for TMC. This sort if thing is comon in todays internet, there are only around 5 hosting companies in the world and most organisations use one of these sites.

Level 2

Like others in this thread, I have received no further communciation since I received confirmation from TMC on 17/8/2023 that my registration was received, and that TMC will be in touch before anything changes.  

Nothing to indicate if I have already been migrated nor any changes.   Nor any email address or phone number to contact with any questions.  The TMC email was a 'no reply' email address.


When I try to log on to TPG webmail via the TPG website, it redirects me to a TMC log in page - then using my usual TPG email address and password it then logs me into what appears to be the TPG webmail portal.


Is TPG providing assurance that our TPG email addresses will continue to work after 30/11/2023 if we continue to hear nothing from TMC.   Time is running out.....

Level 3

@veryveryannoyed wrote:

Like others in this thread, I have received no further communciation since I received confirmation from TMC on 17/8/2023 that my registration was received, and that TMC will be in touch before anything changes.  

Nothing to indicate if I have already been migrated nor any changes.   Nor any email address or phone number to contact with any questions.  The TMC email was a 'no reply' email address.


When I try to log on to TPG webmail via the TPG website, it redirects me to a TMC log in page - then using my usual TPG email address and password it then logs me into what appears to be the TPG webmail portal.


Is TPG providing assurance that our TPG email addresses will continue to work after 30/11/2023 if we continue to hear nothing from TMC.   Time is running out.....

@veryveryannoyed .......

my journey so far since Opting-In last August is EXACTLY every word you said above !

still waiting for migration confirmation and time is running out ! and my logging in to TPG Webmail is the same way as yours  veryveryannoyed.


Level 3

@JeffS wrote:

I did receive a confirmation email from TMC.

    From: The Messaging Company <>
    Date: 18/8/23 1:59 PM

I would have assumed you recieved something similar.


As you can see I am with a different part of TPG. I came here with some mobile problem.

However I beleive that if the postoffice login is working, then you have been successfully transferred from TPG to TMC.

After I was able to login to the postoffice web site I started using my usual mail client and everything has been working since.


The site '' is no longer attached to tpg.

It has been aliased to a site on amazon.

This is the same for me.


A couple of checks

  host is an alias for has address has address



      NetName:        AMAZON


      Organization:   Amazon Technologies Inc. (AT-88-Z)


They appear to be doing the hosting for TMC. This sort if thing is comon in todays internet, there are only around 5 hosting companies in the world and most organisations use one of these sites.

thanks for your input JeffS !

yes i received something similar from TMC immediately after Opting-In early August. It said "SUCCESS you have reistered and we will contact you via email before Migration" or words to that effect ! well, there has been no sight nor sound from TMC since .............. and 30th November looms !


see attached JPG picture

maybe my email address has migrated already .......who knows but !


Level 3

As as the 8th of November in the afternoon I was told that "no email accounts have been fully migrated".


It's all rather badly managed IMO, but what would I know, I've only worked in IT for 45 years.


Level 8

@mvandere wrote:

It's all rather badly managed IMO, but what would I know, I've only worked in IT for 45 years.


Unfortunately, the purity of technology has been eroded by commercial imperatives



Level 3

As of 16 November 2023, TMC have told me no migrations have commenced and they do NOT know when they will be occurring.