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Internet & DSL keep dropping out at night (NBN)

Level 2

Hi. Last two weeks (at least, maybe longer) I have had my NBN connection drop out about every second night or so, usually anywhere between 9pm and 11pm for anywhere between 30min to over an hour at a time. The internet just drops out when I'm in the middle of doing something (light turn off), and the DSL light usually flashes for a while and then turns off as well. Neither wired or wireless connections will work for me, and no amount of restarting the TP-Link box thing helps either. Cables are all in securely, I have checked mutiple times. If I leave it alone for long enough randomly it will start working again. What am I doing wrong here???? How do I fix this?? Thanks for your help

Not applicable

Hi @carissax,


Welcome to TPG Community!


We apologise for the incovenience this issue is causing you. We have located an account using your community details, but we'd like to make sure that we got the right one. Can you PM us your TPG customer ID, username and complete adddress?


To send a PM, please refer to this link: How do I private message (PM) in the community 

Level 2

Issue is still persisting, and I have sent a PM.


Hi @carissax,


Thanks for sending a PM.


We've escalated the case to our Engineering team for further investigation and updates will be given as soon as it becomes available.

