NBN Droputs

Level 2

Hi there, for the last couple of weeks, we have been getting droputs, and now we are getting constant drop outs and this is affecting my ability to service my online customers which is unacceptable, in addition to being able to stay in touch with family over the festive season to arrange plans etc.. I have reset the modem, phone line and all connections as per normal procedure to no avail. Please help asap.


Regards, Jason.


Hi @replay308,


Welcome to the Community! 


Thanks for reaching out to us and our sincere apologies for the dropouts you are experiencing with your internet connection. 


I've located your account using your Community details and conducted series of tests. 


Currently, the test results does not show a physical fault with the line outside or with the network. To sort this issue, we need to eliminate any possible equipment, Wi-Fi limitation and bandwidth sharing issue by doing some simple checks. 


Are your devices connected to the modem via wireless? If yes, you may check these 2 great article that would help improve your wireless connection. 


Easy Steps to Improve Wi-Fi Connection In Your Home - https://community.tpg.com.au/t5/Featured-Articles/Easy-Steps-to-Improve-Wi-Fi-Connection-In-Your-Hom...


Wireless Channel on your modem - what is it and why should I change it? - https://community.tpg.com.au/t5/Modems-and-Devices/Wireless-Channel-on-your-modem-what-is-it-and-why...


You may also send us via Private Message your best contact time and number and we'll arrange from one of our technicians to reach you. 


For your reference, please see this article on How do I private message (PM) in the community.


Let us know should you need further assistance. 




Level 2

two devices are connected via Ethernet, there are several Wi-Fi devices, in the house, nothing has changed regarding the amount of devices in the home, we have tried different ports on the modem, we had a similar problem almost exactly 18 months ago which turned out to be the modem, which was replaced by TPG, which at that time was 18 months old, so seems that the Huwei modems dont last very long imo.


Hi Jason,


I can see that the connection is currently stable for more than 19 hours.


Our test using NBN's tool does not show any issues on the physical lines.


We can see multiple drop outs last Dec. 21 and 1 to 2 drops before and after that date.

When the connection drops does the DSL light in the modem flash, turn off or turn red? Does the power light turn off or red?
Does the internet light turn off, red or constantly flashing?






Source: https://community.tpg.com.au/t5/Broadband-Internet/Fibre-to-the-Node-Building-NBN-FTTN-FTTB-Setup-Gu...


My colleague received your PM containing your contact details.


If the drop outs reoccur within the next few days please advise us through PM or post and we'll have someone contact you during business hours as requested so we can provide further assistance.


Kind regards,
Joseph D