NBN FTTC very slow

Level 2


This must be a joke. I am on superfast NBN 100 plan!!!

upgraded to FTTC 3 days ago and the curb being very close to my property. My property is less than 5 years old so the cabeling should be in good nic. 

I have connected to TPG provided modem router through wired LAN cable to perform this test using my 2017 MacBook Pro.

Could someone explain whats going on! 

Here is a screenshot of my network speed. http://tpg.speedtestcustom.com/result/0a78e5b0-be70-11e8-b1e1-b73892a68f62 


Screen Shot 2018-09-23 at 12.10.47 am.pnghttp://tpg.speedtestcustom.com/result/0a78e5b0-be70-11e8-b1e1-b73892a68f62 

Level 3


Have you removed all Telephones and ADSL Splitter Filters from your household telephone lines?

Did you ever get faster speeds when you first connected?


If yes, then you might have a similar problem to what I had a week or so ago.

You can read what happened to me here: https://community.tpg.com.au/t5/Broadband-Internet/FTTC-NBN-NCD-Connection-Light-Flashing-RED/m-p/17...


If you never had full speed then you should contact TPG Tech Support ASAP.

Regards, Leigh


Hi @parvathi21


Welcome to the Community!


I've located your account using your Community details and can see that you've been in touch with our Help desk team.


Based on the notes left on the account, you were able to achieve 94.6mbps Download & 25mbps Upload after doing isolation and connecting one of your devices to the modem via Ethernet cable.


I've also ran remote test and the results does not show a physical fault on the line.  


Please monitor your connection and let us know should you need further assistance. 

