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NBN FTTN DSL drop-outs TP-Link VX220-G2V modem (NSW)

Level 3

Several weeks ago we purchased a new modem through TPG (TP-Link AX1500 VX220-G2V), for our TPG NBN FTTN Home internet (replacing the old Huawei HG658 unit which developed a fault).


The new modem generally seems OK, (though it's Wifi signal seems slightly weaker in our premises),(modem in same spot as previous model).


During the last few weeks this August however, it more frequently unexpectedly loses Internet & DSL connection, then usually automatically re-synchronizes & connects within 5 mins (sometimes several mins).

Can be morning or night, incl. during "peak" hours.
No sign of any relevant service status issues / maintenance on the TPG website.


Interestingly, browsing the modem's system log it does show some errors over the past hour or so, however earlier tonight I noted it lost DSL @ 6:40pm & there are no system log entries of any kind within 30mins of that – strange.


Here's it's current system status:

8:30pm: TP-Link AX1500 VX220-G2V Status -> Advanced:
System Up Time: 0 days 01:19:55
DSL Modulation Type: VDSL2
Annex Type: Annex A/L/M
Current Rate (kbps): 22600
Max Rate (kbps): 30264
SNR Margin (dB): 11.4
Line Attenuation (dB): 30.2
Errors (pkts): 0
Current Rate (kbps): 78369
Max Rate (kbps): 87025
SNR Margin (dB): 8.3
Line Attenuation (dB): 15
Errors (pkts): 1741



Will bring it to a TPG rep's attention via PM for a closer look from their end.


@ssar Thanks for raising this with us. 


We have detected a line fault causing these drop outs and this case has been handed to our engineering team for investigation. Further updates will be communicated via call and/or SMS.




Level 3

Intermittent FTTN NBN drop-outs are still occurring here (NSW 2290 Mt. Hutton, Newcastle area): sometimes through daytime, sometimes ~6-7pm peak night hours – 3 times in the last half hour this morning.
More than enough to annoy & inconvenience.

Have only manually powered-down / rebooted (TP-Link AX1500 VX220-G2V) modem a few times in the past several months.

Am posting to bring it to a Rep's attention here, again.




~10:30am: TP-Link AX1500 VX220-G2V Status -> Advanced:
System Up Time: 0 days 00:10:59
DSL Modulation Type: VDSL2
Annex Type: Annex A/L/M
Current Rate (kbps): 22600
Max Rate (kbps): 29479
SNR Margin (dB): 9.7
Line Attenuation (dB): 31
Errors (pkts): 2
Current Rate (kbps): 72328
Max Rate (kbps): 77622
SNR Margin (dB): 7.6
Line Attenuation (dB): 15.5
Errors (pkts): 108


Hi @ssar, we can do some tests and check for any network fault. Please confirm your customer ID or username by sending us a PM.




Level 3

Thanks for the prompt actioning Aubrey & TPG.

I've been assigned a TPG Ticket#, technician arranged to visit onsite, TPG have contacted me via SMS & phone etc.

Internet drop-out issues persist, I've PM'd you again Aubrey.

Not applicable

Hi @ssar ,


We re-escalate the issue affecting the service. We will provide you an update within 24-48hrs as soon as it becomes available from our Engineering Team.




Thanks for the prompt actioning Aubrey & TPG.

I've been assigned a TPG Ticket#, technician arranged to visit onsite, TPG have contacted me via SMS & phone etc.

Internet drop-out issues persist, I've PM'd you again Aubrey.

Level 3

Hello TPG,


I've had problems attempting to reply to Private Messages here in the TPG community: errors such as certain html has been removed, please review your message and send again (or some such), then when retrying and error indicating you've reached the maximum number of messages, please try again later (or some such).


Anyway, I've today emailed TPG techops & cutomer service, fyi:




An NBN technician attended our premises this morning, advising that various network/cabling maintenance work had been done in our area over recent weeks.
He also today replaced some wiring in the street / between our house and a communications box, and did some testing inside our house etc.

This afternoon our modem unexpectedly lost internet connection at least twice, after the NBN technician left.

Our modem has continued to lose internet connection intermittently, many days during the past few months, often during very inconvenient times, as you should be able to confirm via our modem logs when you examine such remotely.

Please have your technical team examine our modem logs to confirm this, and look at rectifying any possible ongoing issues that may continue to lead to our connection problems.

We'll continue to monitor it as we are able.


7:00pm on PC LAN Cable connection to modem: DL: 39Mbps, UL: 19Mbps (not good)
7:01pm on PC LAN Cable connection to modem: DL: 54Mbps, UL: 19Mbps (great)


7:03pm: TP-Link AX1500 VX220-G2V Status -> Advanced:
System Up Time: 6 days 11:22:29
DSL Modulation Type: VDSL2
Annex Type: Annex A/L/M
Current Rate (kbps): 22600
Max Rate (kbps): 28058
SNR Margin (dB): 15.9
Line Attenuation (dB): 24.8
Errors (pkts): 0
Current Rate (kbps): 67419
Max Rate (kbps): 66139
SNR Margin (dB): 11
Line Attenuation (dB): 12.9
Errors (pkts): 9044



Hi @ssar


We'd be happy to check your service. Kindly confirm your TPG details via PM.




Level 3


RE: Case ID # 12948800



Our internet service appears generally improved since the various issues over the past several months (as I've emailed a few weeks ago), thank you for your efforts, monitoring and communications during all of this.


I have mentioned I’m still concerned about the modem downstream errors (as per the recent logs below), and during the last fortnight particularly, including twice this evening during peak times, our internet connection has again, annoyingly, unexpectedly dropped.


Please recommence remote monitoring of our line and service to confirm connection drops / faults etc. and again look at any improvements that may be possible.




12-25Sep23: Several unexpected internet drop-outs, incl. 6:50pm, 6:57pm 25Sep23

25Sep23 6:53pm: TP-Link VX220-G2V AX1500 Status -> Advanced:
System Up Time: 24 days 03:33:48
DSL Modulation Type: VDSL2
Annex Type: Annex A/L/M
Current Rate (kbps): 22600
Max Rate (kbps): 35146
SNR Margin (dB): 15
Line Attenuation (dB): 25.4
Errors (pkts): 0
Current Rate (kbps): 92395
Max Rate (kbps): 94817
SNR Margin (dB): 6.5
Line Attenuation (dB): 12.9
Errors (pkts): 55091


6:54pm on PC LAN Cable connection to modem: DL: 53Mbps, UL: 18Mbps (Great)




Thanks & Regards,



Hi @ssar,


We sure would like to check the status of your service. Please send us a private message along with your Customer ID or username. 

