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NBN Speed Upgrade Offer

Level 3

I can confirm that my plan cost was charged to the higher amount in March and continues to be charged at the higher amount, but the promised speed update from then has still not been processed.


That is more than one billing cycle.


Something has broken at TPG. The moderators here should not be processing speed update requestss based on people reporting the issue here - it should be fixed so all people that have been promised an update receive one in a reasonable time.


If not, please notify those that are waiting why and when. Pronto.

Level 2

Like many others in this thread I have been charged the increased amount now for 3 months. Latest charge applied today 18/6 yet still no indication of when or if I am to receive the promised speed upgrade. About time to look at options I think. Up to now I have been pleased with TPG experiencing few if any issues however this lack of action on an upgrade that was promised as a reward for being a longstanding customer would  suggest that like most companies nowdays, we are paying a loyality tax. My next move will be to investigate alternative suppliers.

Level 2

What a nightmare!!!

Like so many others i opted in for the free upgrade

After a few emails and a phone call concerning the FREE upgrade, nothing happened!!!

So on or around the 13th of june i decided to inquire what was going on


After being transfered 4 times from department to department, i finally got someone i thought was going to help me

Her workaround was to manually upgrade me to NBN100  which is $89, then give me a $10 discount which brought it back down to $79 a month


I pointed out to her i wasn't getting a $10 discount

Because it was supposed to be getting  A FREE UPGRADE at no cost to me, the reason for the call

She could not see my reasoning, so in frustration i hung up


Mins after that i got $10 deducted from my account!

So again i had to ring up and find out why!

Talking to another operator, i asked why, she statetd i shouldn't of been charged the $10 and asked if i wanted to esculate the complaint and speak with a supervisor or manager, i said YES


Week later still waiting for contact from a supervisor or manager !!!!!


So Much for a FREE UPGRADE!!!


I have heavily summarised proceeding, think i spent over 3 hours trying to get things fixed


My next phone call will to The Telco Ombusman, seems they have failed a lot off people


After 18 years it's seems after the 12 months is up, i will be looking elsewhere, and i hope others do the same





Level 2

Problem solved. Switched to another provider and feeling very good. Found Spintel to be cheaper too.

Level 2

Put referral code ULNX96898 in Spintel and I'll get $5 rebate. I'll come back and report how many switched to Spintel.

Level 3

Still waiting. Another cycle nearly over. Did the PM thing a while ago and was promised it would click up, long before now. Have power cycled NBN items and router.


Let's make sure you get that speed boost ASAP, @Wiser.


Send me a PM and we'll get things sorted from here.

Level 3

Update: I got sick of waiting and waited till my billing cycle day and telephoned TPG Support. After speaking with two different operators, the first who insisted that I was already on the faster speed, finally my plan was updated. The call took about 30 minutes. It took about two hours for the changes to take effect, and there was no need to reset the NBN equipment or my router.


Currently getting around 94.5/18.7 with 12ms latency.


Six months! How many people got sick of waiting or trying to get things done via the community forums here, and just silently churned to a competitor in disgust.


Question: Why does one part of TPG think the speed change had been done and the other confirmed it had not? How many other customers are in the same situation?

Level 3

Sad news. Yes the plan was updated to 100Mbps, however the extra $10 is being charged, as if the offer had not been applied.


Does anybody following this sorry sage agree this is something that would put you off remaining a customer?

-First you promise something, and then dont deliver within a reasonable timeframe.

-Next you promise to action it and don't.

-Next you, after prompting from the customer, change to what the customer wants - a speed upgrade.

-Then you charge for that speed upgrade as if the special offer didn't apply.

I'm insulted, annoyed, and actively seeking alternates after my twelve months is over.