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NBN drop outs/no internet

Level 2



After years working fine my TPG NBN has started dropping out about a week ago. Modem appears fine, except doesn't have dsl or internet lights during dropouts.

Previous dropouts lasted a few minutes (but still a problem when working from home, and some days had repeated drop outs), but the latest is an hour and counting. So we've gone from dropout to no internet.


Have looked at the various articles on this website, turned the modem off and on again, etc. Tried calling, but couldn't get through.


There has been no service interruptions posted on either the TPG or NBN sites during the dropouts. 




Hi @smarks


Please PM us with your TPG account details so we can remotely check the status of your service.  




Level 2

So last nights outage lasted about 13 hours before coming back online around 8am, but dropped out again a bit before 12pm, and is now back again. Very unreliable/frustrating. Not compatible with my employment.


The helpline is useless, after encouraging you to leave your number for a callback and saying you won't lose your place in the queue all I got was a recorded message saying there is no one available to talk to me.


The only glimmer of hope was the customer service here in this forum- I understand my issue has been forwarded to your wholesale provider following our messages last night. Appreciate the assistance, although have heard nothing from them yet.


Just posting the progress here so I don't lose track of it. 


Hi @smarks 


We understand that the case has been raised to our Engineering team for further investigation.


We'll chase this with them and have someone to get in touch with you for further discussion.



Level 2
Hi, so after being resolved last year this issue has re-emerged today unfortunately. Quite frustrating.

Level 2
So this appears identical to last year. Gone from drop outs to no internet at all. No dsl or internet lights on the tpg modem. Turning it off and on again doesn’t work. No relevant outages on either the nbn or tpg websites.
Level 3
Having the same issue. Everyday at least twice a day for 6 weeks and no one will answer. They have not even responded to the TIO complaint as yet

Hi @smarks @quinny525 


We'd like to have a better understanding of the situation and see how can we help.


Just send us a private message with your account details.



Level 2
Have just done, thanks.

It was working mostly today after the port was reset but dropped out again this evening, literally after TPG called to close the ticket. Came back on, but has dropped again and now back to no service.