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Port Forwarding the Archer VR1600v

Level 3
I've had a call from TPG saying I'm not affected by that and my service doesn't have any blocked ports. But this doesn't seem to be the case. My above results show there is a fire wall blocking these ports before the requests get to my router.
Level 3
Just forwarded Port 30001, still blocked.
Level 3
When I toggle USB sharing via FTP on and off within the router, Port 21 opens and closes.
Not applicable

Thanks for the additional information. We'll check this with our Engineering Team to see if there is alternative way. Please send me your account details (Username/Customer ID together with the address on file).


We'll provide you an update when it becomes available.







Port 21 is inside the router.


Is CWMP and Remote Management disabled?

What optional names are in the drop-down box for interface name in the port forwarding rules? Or is there only one name?

Is there anything set up in Advanced/Security: Firewall & DoS Protection; Service Filtering; Access Control.

   Try disabling them for the port test.

When you check the port from the port checking website, do you specify a single port to check or does it do a port scan?

The two displays showing ports "filtered", does that come from the port checking website?

Is the Windows port 3389 the only one that is open? None of the Linux ports?



Definitive way to see what is going on is to use ethernet packet capture software (eg. wireshark.exe). Download and install on Windows (or Linux if you prefer). Direct all your required ports to the Windows computer (or Linux); won't matter if the ports are closed since you're trying to see if SYN frames are passed by the router. Disable Firewall & DoS Protection. Run the test.

Level 3

@david64 wrote:

Port 21 is inside the router.


Is CWMP and Remote Management disabled? RM is, what is CWMP, can't find it in my router?

What optional names are in the drop-down box for interface name in the port forwarding rules? Or is there only one name? 3 in the drop down, pppoe_ptm, pppoe_8 and ewan_pppoe. all set to pppoe_ptm

Is there anything set up in Advanced/Security: Firewall & DoS Protection; Service Filtering; Access Control.

   Try disabling them for the port test. All disabled

When you check the port from the port checking website, do you specify a single port to check or does it do a port scan? a range of ports

The two displays showing ports "filtered", does that come from the port checking website? yes,

Is the Windows port 3389 the only one that is open? None of the Linux ports? Also have another window machine where I want port 3390 external to 3389 internal set up, but 3390 is blocked.





Level 3

@david64 wrote:

Definitive way to see what is going on is to use ethernet packet capture software (eg. wireshark.exe). Download and install on Windows (done) (or Linux if you prefer). Direct all your required ports to the Windows computer (done) (or Linux); won't matter if the ports are closed since you're trying to see if SYN frames are passed by the router. Disable Firewall & DoS Protection. (done) Run the test.

Running the wireshark test gives me lots of data, not sure what i'm looking for in there?

Level 3

going through it all the only recognizable entries are for 3389, I get a TCP entry with source port and destination port and other stuff thats beyond my understanding


Stop wireshark capture by Capture/Stop. It will show all captured frames.

The wireshark display can filter out unwanted frames and just show frames to/from That entry for 3389 will have the ip address of the web site.

In the Filter text box, enter:    ip.addr==          (if that's what it is; 2 equal signs)

You'll see just the port test traffic.

First thing for port 3389 should be [SYN] which is how a TCP connection starts. Since the port is open, there should be a reply.

Are there any frames before or after port 3389?

You could post a screenshot of the display.