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Port blocking and static IP

Level 2

Im sick and tired of hopeless Optus and going to dump them.  In order to choose a replacment I need to know:


1  Can i get a static IP for my NBN connection

2  Does TPG block and incoming or outgoing ports?  For example I share my media library and want to run it on the right port (443) instead of having to run it on a random port from the high range. Optus blocks incoming 80, 443 and others like 25 etc.


Hi @gunnahafta 


Thanks for considering TPG as your future provider.


1  Can i get a static IP for my NBN connection

- Currently, we offer the Static IP address through the NBN small business plan. Check it here:


2  Does TPG block and incoming or outgoing ports?  For example I share my media library and want to run it on the right port (443) instead of having to run it on a random port from the high range. Optus blocks incoming 80, 443 and others like 25 etc.

- We do not block any ports.




@gunnahafta . You can use the Dynamic DNS facility in the router to handle changes to your dynamic WAN ip address on residential plan.

Level 2

Can you confirm with IA/TO if this is still true? I can't recieve inbound traffic from 443/80 when port forwarded, using other non-standard ports however. Perhaps something has changed, and TPG now blocks common ports in-bound?

Level 2

@BasilDV I would assume a Vodafone nbn connection is also the same now? (I know this is TPG forum, please remove/disregard my replies if I am breaking any forum rules).


Hey @Jaymate, let's grab a bit more info and see what's going on.


Send me a PM and we'll have a chat about this.